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Mattias Aphram in profile
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Increase Your Profitability

It pays to choose Saldo as your partner

Extensive Industry Knowledge

We have helped many companies achieve or increase their profitability. We know what works and what doesn’t in various industries. Based on your specific circumstances, we’ll help you too.

Tailored Solutions

We offer customized solutions that match your company’s unique needs. With our experience, we identify the actions that deliver the best results.

Continuous Follow-Up

We follow up on every action to ensure you’re constantly moving in the right direction. We are your partner throughout the entire process, from planning to execution.

Only Profitable Actions

We are driven by seeing you and your business develop and grow. Everything we do, we do with passion and commitment to increase your profitability and help you move forward.

Our Philosophy

Profitability Doesn’t Happen by Itself

We help your company achieve or increase profitability. By analyzing your finances and leveraging our experience, we know which actions work best in different industries.

Deep Dive - The numbers never lie. By diving deep into your figures, you get a clear picture of what’s working and what needs improvement. We know that a quality cash flow forecast or a thorough cost analysis can be the difference between a successful company and one that lags behind. Getting help from a professional usually pays off in the long run.

Hard Work - Achieving or increasing profitability is rarely a quick fix. It requires both hard work and patience. Through accurate decision-making tools and data-driven insights, we help you focus on the right things and work smarter, so you reach your goals faster.



"I receive great monthly reports, quick responses, and flexibility in problem-solving."
Maria Bühler, Kogita Psykologi
"The best thing about Saldo is the personal service you receive and the close collaboration to ensure the best for the company, both in times of success and setbacks."
Peggy Fagergren, Mr Cake
"The best part of being a client of Saldo is that we receive really good advice from someone who has gotten to know our company and understands our business. The availability is also a big plus—if any questions or issues arise, Saldo is always quick to respond."
Gustav Palm, Search Intent
"We outsourced our entire finance department to Saldo. We've gained much more efficient routines and access to decision-making data much earlier. Now we can focus on what we do best."
Jonas Westerberg, Westerbeg & Partners
"The best part of being a client of Saldo is their knowledgeable and friendly staff, as well as their seamless service!"
John Forssell, Miyakodori
"Working with Saldo feels like working with an extended arm within our own company. You work together as part of the same team; it doesn’t feel like working with an external provider at all. You can tell that Saldo cares about the client’s needs and takes them seriously."
Oscar Radeborn, Grabbarna Flytt
"I receive great monthly reports, quick responses, and flexibility in problem-solving."
Maria Bühler, Kogita Psykologi
"The best thing about Saldo is the personal service you receive and the close collaboration to ensure the best for the company, both in times of success and setbacks."
Peggy Fagergren, Mr Cake
"The best part of being a client of Saldo is that we receive really good advice from someone who has gotten to know our company and understands our business. The availability is also a big plus—if any questions or issues arise, Saldo is always quick to respond."
Gustav Palm, Search Intent
"We outsourced our entire finance department to Saldo. We've gained much more efficient routines and access to decision-making data much earlier. Now we can focus on what we do best."
Jonas Westerberg, Westerbeg & Partners
"The best part of being a client of Saldo is their knowledgeable and friendly staff, as well as their seamless service!"
John Forssell, Miyakodori
"Working with Saldo feels like working with an extended arm within our own company. You work together as part of the same team; it doesn’t feel like working with an external provider at all. You can tell that Saldo cares about the client’s needs and takes them seriously."
Oscar Radeborn, Grabbarna Flytt
"I receive great monthly reports, quick responses, and flexibility in problem-solving."
Maria Bühler, Kogita Psykologi
"The best thing about Saldo is the personal service you receive and the close collaboration to ensure the best for the company, both in times of success and setbacks."
Peggy Fagergren, Mr Cake
"The best part of being a client of Saldo is that we receive really good advice from someone who has gotten to know our company and understands our business. The availability is also a big plus—if any questions or issues arise, Saldo is always quick to respond."
Gustav Palm, Search Intent
"We outsourced our entire finance department to Saldo. We've gained much more efficient routines and access to decision-making data much earlier. Now we can focus on what we do best."
Jonas Westerberg, Westerbeg & Partners
"The best part of being a client of Saldo is their knowledgeable and friendly staff, as well as their seamless service!"
John Forssell, Miyakodori
"Working with Saldo feels like working with an extended arm within our own company. You work together as part of the same team; it doesn’t feel like working with an external provider at all. You can tell that Saldo cares about the client’s needs and takes them seriously."
Oscar Radeborn, Grabbarna Flytt
"I receive great monthly reports, quick responses, and flexibility in problem-solving."
Maria Bühler, Kogita Psykologi
"The best thing about Saldo is the personal service you receive and the close collaboration to ensure the best for the company, both in times of success and setbacks."
Peggy Fagergren, Mr Cake
"The best part of being a client of Saldo is that we receive really good advice from someone who has gotten to know our company and understands our business. The availability is also a big plus—if any questions or issues arise, Saldo is always quick to respond."
Gustav Palm, Search Intent
"We outsourced our entire finance department to Saldo. We've gained much more efficient routines and access to decision-making data much earlier. Now we can focus on what we do best."
Jonas Westerberg, Westerbeg & Partners
"The best part of being a client of Saldo is their knowledgeable and friendly staff, as well as their seamless service!"
John Forssell, Miyakodori
"Working with Saldo feels like working with an extended arm within our own company. You work together as part of the same team; it doesn’t feel like working with an external provider at all. You can tell that Saldo cares about the client’s needs and takes them seriously."
Oscar Radeborn, Grabbarna Flytt

Hur funkar det?

En vanlig månad med saldo som er lönebyrå

1. Du rapporterar löneunderlaget

Du lämnar in löneunderlaget via systemet med några få knapptryck. Jobbar du idag i ett specifikt system så anpassar vi oss efter dig, annars hjälper vi dig att komma igång.

2. Vi skapar lönen

Med hjälp av löneunderlaget säkerställer vi att allt ser ut som det ska innan vi påbörjar löneberedningen. Skulle något vara oklart hör vi av oss till dig.

3. Du kontrollerar och godkänner

När vi sammanställt vår löneberedning meddelar vi dig att lönerna är klara för godkännande. Allt du behöver göra är att kontrollera att allt ser rätt ut.

4. Klart och betalt

Svårare än så är det inte. Lönerna betalas ut, och alla blir nöjda och glada.

5. Vi för in det i bokföringen

Om du har ett separat lönesystem till bokföringssystemet så hjälper vi dig att skicka filerna till rätt sysem.

6. Analys och efterarbete

Beroende på dina behov och önskemål kan vi också ta fram andra uppgifter relaterade till lönehantering, som exempelvis pensionsrapportering eller statistikrapportering. Oavsett vad du vill veta, hjälper vi dig att ta fram svaret.

Maximize Your Business's Potential

Ready to Increase Your Profitability?

We Understand Profitability

We know entrepreneurship, and we know how to achieve profitability. We have the experience and knowledge needed to help your business reach and increase its profitability. We are your partner throughout the entire process, from analysis to implementation and follow-up.

Contact Us Today

Are you ready to take the next step toward increased profitability? Contact us for more information or to schedule a meeting with one of our experts. Let’s create a profitable future for your business. Together.

Hör av dig till oss

Låt oss ta hand om er ekonomi

Ni har inget att förlora på att boka ett möte med oss på Saldo. I värsta fall har ni druckit en kopp gott kaffe, besökt ett härligt kontor och spenderat en stund av era liv med mycket trevliga människor. I bästa fall har ni hittat en redovisningsbyrå som kommer göra allt för att ta ert företag till nästa nivå.

Vänligen fyll i dina kontaktuppgifter så återkommer vi till dig för att boka in mötet. Vi ser fram emot att hjälpa er spara både tid och pengar!

Tack för att du valt att kontakta oss. Vi återkommer så snart vi kan.
Något gick fel.. Ta gärna kontakt med oss direkt via telefon eller email

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